Don't waste your SHAPE!


You have to look at what you are good at.

Discovering Your Gifts

Why would God give you certain gifts, abilities, and talents and not expect you to use them? God was very intentional when he created you, His most beautiful masterpiece.


God gives you SHAPE

 That is what makes you UNIQUE. But, first, you need to figure out how God shaped you.

Ask Yourself:

  1. What am I good at?
  2. What do I love to do?
  3. What is my passion?
  4. What turns me on or off?
  5. What is it that people affirm in me?
  6. How can God use those abilities for his kingdom?

Don't sleep on your talents.  Be willing to make mistakes to figure it all out.  Trust the process.  That dream you have had in your mind for years, it's time to act on it.  Do it afraid, be willing to fail.  Lessons are birthed from the failures.  Your faith muscle is exercised and becomes stronger in the failures.  

You only are a failure when you quit. 

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